Find Out More About My Story

Living Arts Psychotherapy

My Story

Like most people, my life now is not what I thought it was going to be as a child. For years I worked as a trainer specializing in teaching riders who had traumatic accidents and horses who were abused. My approach was similar to CBT, but I did not know it at the time. Several of my students, who were psychotherapists, repeatedly encouraged me to go to graduate school. I am glad I listened.

Now instead of training horses, all I want to do is make a difference in people’s lives. As a therapist I am honored to be let into my client’s private world where I can join them in their process of self-discovery and change.

I’ve been on life’s journey with my partner Kimberly for 25 years. I am grateful to have found someone who also enjoys living the “no kill shelter” life. Over the years we have shared our home with dozens of rescue cats, dogs, goats, cows, and horses.


I Believe

  • Discovering all the versions of yourself, past and present, takes courage
  • With self-knowledge there is the power to both accept and change
  • Feelings tell us things, but they are not always right
  • Being authentically you beats being “normal” any day
  • If you don’t click with your therapist, it won’t work
Living Arts Psychotherapy

Training and Experience

After graduating with a master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Chicago I gained experience in a wide variety of clinical and leadership positions.  Since 1993, my direct practice experience includes individual, group, family, and couple’s therapy. In addition, I have held multiple leadership roles from clinical director to chief operating officer in public and private mental health organizations.

I currently hold a license as a LCSW in North Carolina. My certifications are in Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy, trauma treatment, mood disorders, grief counseling and life coaching.