August 9-11, 2024
Intensive Ketamine Treatment
Our Mountain IKTR was a wonderful experience with beautiful changing mountain views, and plenty of wildlife right outside the windows. All our participants experienced gains over the month (preparation through the retreat) from noticeable to significant change in mood, thinking and ability to make desired changes in their lives.

January 24-26, 2025
Intensive Ketamine Treatment

Living Arts will partner again with Triangle Wellness and Recovery (TWR) for our second unique, healing retreat experience in January 2025 on Topsail Island, NC. Our focus are women who are negatively impacted by chronic trauma, depression anxiety and/or maladaptive coping behaviors including substance use. Everyone will have their own bedroom and private bathroom, some with balconies or decks, in our 5,000 sf oceanfront beach house.

Research Shows Ketamine Promotes Synaptogenesis & Neuroplasticity
"...ketamine appears to promote synaptogenesis...countering the dendritic atrophy and synapse loss associated with chronic stress and depression. " - Biological Psychology 2021
First picture shows the neural activity increasing in a depressed individual's brain after ketamine. The second picture shows new neural growth within 2 hours of receiving ketamine. Both allow for new and stronger connections allowing for “rewiring” of the brain.
What is Ketamine?
- Ketamine is an FDA approved, safe and effective dissociative anesthetic that is used regularly to sedate children and others for medical procedures.
- Increasingly, Ketamine is prescribed off-label to provide quick-acting relief for those suffering from depression, trauma, anxiety, compulsive behaviors and other mental health and substance use conditions.
- Traditional antidepressants provide improvement for only 20%-40% of individuals, have undesirable side effects and take many weeks to learn if they work. Ketamine provides relief for 55%-70% of individuals, often within hours or a handful of treatments and can foster behavior change for lasting gains.
- In discussions, Ketamine is regularly lumped together with classic psychedelics, such as MDMA & psilocybin, even though the action on the brain is very different. Classic psychedelics can provoke a challenging mental state by overwhelming the chandelier cells; whereas Ketamine gently relaxes and opens them to an expanded state of awareness.
- The dissociative effects of Ketamine can lead to hallucinations and other changes like classic psychedelics. In addition, individuals may experience nausea, raised blood pressure and increased heart rate, all of which can be addressed by medical staff during the Ketamine treatment.
- Misuse of Ketamine may lead to addiction, mental health problems and serious medical conditions. Ideally, Ketamine is used with in-person monitoring by medical professionals to ensure safety and increase effectiveness.
- Treatment ideally includes Integration, psychotherapy that capitalizes on the new perspectives and increased neuroplasticity, rather than Ketamine as a stand alone treatment.
Why Ketamine?
I have been curious about Ketamine and its potential in mental health treatment since my psychiatrist friend asked me to join his boutique Ketamine clinic about 12 years ago which at the time I declined. Since then, more and more promising research has been released supporting its effectiveness especially for those “stuck” in chronic patterns related to depression, anxiety, the impacts of trauma and maladaptive coping. In addition, my observations while working with my clients receiving Ketamine treatment convinced me it was time to take the leap. While Ketamine does not provide significant benefits for all, what I experienced with my clients felt like mini miracles. Clients are able to implement strategies they knew but struggled to do because they were stuck in the rut of well-worn neural pathways. Ketamine can have the power to impact individuals after one treatment. I witnessed this with a client who was facing hospitalization for SI; however, instead we scheduled a Ketamine treatment that day and within 24 hours the SI had lifted and we could move forward together.
Why Ketamine Retreats & Groups?
After graduating with my master’s from the University of Chicago in 1993 I was lucky enough to land a psychotherapist position at the hospital. For my clinical group work I was mentored by Dr. Robert Lipgar, who at the time was the Chairman of The Chicago Center for the Study of Groups, and my love and respect for the power of groups began. Over the years I have facilitated weekly groups, full-day workshops and overnight retreats all reinforcing my belief in the unique healing benefits of the group experience that cannot be replicated in individual psychotherapy. The IKTRs add the value of the group experience with the carve-out of time and immersion in nature --- it is the perfect Trifecta!
Training & Certifications
Triangle Wellness & Recovery KAP Certification - TWR KAP Privileges
Ketamine Training Center & PSYK-ed KAP Training (New Mexico) - Drs. Phil Wolfson and Mark
Group Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Training - Katja Cahoon, LCSW, MBA
Certificate Course: Berkeley Psychedelics and the Mind - University of California
2024 Global Summit: Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Clinical Track
Group KAP Leadership (California) - Dr. Altobelli and Katja Cahoon, LCSW, MBA
Consultation Groups & Memberships
KTC Ketamine Psychotherapist Associate - consultation group with Drs. Phil Wolfson and Mark
Member of American Society of Ketamine Physicians, Psychotherapists & Practitioners (ASKP3) Member of Big Tent Ketamine & PsyKe Peer Groups

IKTR Registration Fee Includes:
- Private Queen Bedroom with Ensuite Bathroom
choice of window, balcony or oceanfront deck bedroom
- Onsite Physician Monitored Ketamine Treatment
- All Medications: Ketamine, Zofran and Clonidine (as needed)
- Live Sound Meditation and Ketamine Journey Soundtrack
- Integration and Experiential Groups
- All Meals and Refreshments
- Solo Integration Journal
- Ket Kit for the Journey
IKTR Registration Next Steps:
- Reach out to Living Arts for more information about pricing, retreat agenda and other specifics.
- After deciding to participate, reserve a spot with Living Arts and then schedule your Medical and Behavioral Assessment directly with Triangle Wellness & Recovery to determine if IKTR is appropriate for what you want/need. This insurance billable service is not included in the IKTR registration fee nor are the 2 brief check-ins post retreat.
- If IKTR is determined to be a good fit, the registration documentation will be sent via DocuSign directly to your email for completion.
- Fully registered participants will be asked to join a virtual group session with Dr. Koenig and Susan Clifton, LCSW-S for preparation and Q&A a week prior to the retreat.